Gene Keys Guidance
What are the Gene Keys?
“A grand synthesis of practical wisdom to help guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your true potential”
-Richard Rudd
What I am Offering
The Activation Sequence Companion - $2000
The Gene Keys Activation Sequence is the first part of the “Golden Path” when contemplating your Gene Keys profile.
I will accompany you as a guide on this 4-month journey of contemplation of your 4 prime keys that define your genius.
What’s Included
9 Ninety minute calls spaced biweekly over the 4 month journey
The Gene Keys Activation Sequence Program
The Art of Contemplation book
Additional Offerings
90 Min Gene Keys Guidance Call - $200
Open format call where we can navigate your Hologenetic profile in depth and deepen your connection with the Gene Keys and your path in the teachings.