Gene Keys Guidance

What are the Gene Keys?

“A grand synthesis of practical wisdom to help guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your true potential”

-Richard Rudd

What I am Offering

The Activation Sequence Companion - $2000

The Gene Keys Activation Sequence is the first part of the “Golden Path” when contemplating your Gene Keys profile.

I will accompany you as a guide on this 4-month journey of contemplation of your 4 prime keys that define your genius.

What’s Included

9 Ninety minute calls spaced biweekly over the 4 month journey

The Gene Keys Activation Sequence Program

The Art of Contemplation book

Additional Offerings

90 Min Gene Keys Guidance Call - $200

Open format call where we can navigate your Hologenetic profile in depth and deepen your connection with the Gene Keys and your path in the teachings.

My Gene Keys Journey

My Gene Keys Guidance Approach